Thursday, May 20, 2010

Caution: Calm Winds

For the past month we have had crazy winds here in Rexburg. We are currently in the middle of a wind storm that is having 40 mph gusts. Imagine working the Drive Thru at G's Dairy during one of those gusts of wind! Not good... flying money, scoops all over the driveway.. lost work hats. haha its pretty crazy. I have the Weather Channel application for my phone, and every hour or so it beeps to tell me we are under a severe wind advisery. I wish I could get notices when it is finally calm! They sure would be a lot less beeping coming from my phone! The crazy wind is normal now, and I get excited for calm days!!

Oh and.. we live right next to a construction site that has tons of dirt, so during these wind storms my car looks like it went off roading or something fun!!! Little do people know it was just sitting in the parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. Ha Ha Ha, I know what you mean about the drive thru, I use to work the drive thru when I actually had a job, but anyways, that is one of the things I hate about Rexburg. I'm looking forward to the calm days too.
